God who is my rock
(2 Sam. 22:1-7)

According to 2 Samuel Chapter 22, David praised God who defeated all his enemies. Praising Lord is our obligation and privilege. God is the only one who deserves to accept our praise and honor. Therefore, we should praise God with all our heart and whole body to worship God because we are saved.

1. God is worthy of praise

The life of David was full of ordeals and hardships caused by his enemies. However, God became the rock of David. Therefore, David praised the Lord who saved him out of hands of enemies. (2Sam. 22:2-3) People in the world are changing but God never changes and becomes the unshakable rock of salvation for us. (Deut. 32:4) Therefore, God is the only one who is worthy of getting our praise and honor. Sometimes we will meet extreme difficulties and hardships but we should firmly believe that God will be our helper to save us out of our troubles. And we should give thanks and praise until the world ends because God becomes our strong rock of salvation. (Ps. 18:46)

2. God who answers

David faced so many tribulations. He described that the cords of the grave coiled around him and the snares of death confronted him. (2Sam. 22:6) However, David didn't complain or blame others. Instead, he came before God in the temple and cried out for help. God listened to his prayer and fought against his enemies to save David out of the hands of enemies, presenting him with joy and peace at the end. (2Sam. 22:17-20) Therefore, we should cry out when the great hardships come to us until we get answers from God. (Jer. 33:3) Praying is the key to receive the answer from God and the way to avoid hardships, and the way to get to happiness and freedom. God saves us out of troubles when we cry out for help. (Ps. 50:15)

3. God who shows great kindness

David lifted God who showed unfailing kindness to his anointed and his descendants. God shows his kindness and gives blessings forever for those who are anointed or fully filled with the Holy Spirit. We are saved and children of God who will inherit the blessings of Abraham. Therefore, we should share love and grace of God with others (Eph. 4:32). Everything will be achieved by the love and grace of God,