(Ps. 100:1-5)

People meet many people while they live and build various relationships. Among them, the most important relationship is with God. Building the right relationship with God makes us successful.

1. God who is the Creator
God whom we serve and believe in is our creator. (Gen 1:1) The origin of the all creatures in the universe is stemmed from God according to the Bible. Also, God shaped us according to his image. (Gen.1:26) Therefore, we should bring happiness where there is sadness, hope where there is frustration and forgiveness where there are wounds and scars. When we live in this way, God will be pleased. (Ps. 8:30)

2. God who is the Master
God created and saved us so that we are his possessions and God becomes our owner. God owns the complete authority over us. So, we should obey God absolutely just like servants obey their masters. When we obey God, we can become blessed. (Deut. 28:1-6)

3. God who is the King
God is our king and we are his people. (Ps 100:3) God, our king reigns over the world and becomes our master. God has almighty power and enormous knowledge. When he as the king controls our life, we can have victorious life by driving away the power of darkness. We should be lowered and humble so that God can control our life. We should seek for the kingdom of God and the will of God. (Mt. 6:33)

4. God who is the Shepherd

God becomes our shepherd and we are his sheep. Sheep don't have good eyesight and no weapons to protect themselves. Also they cannot find their ways once they are lost. So they need the protection and guidance of their shepherd. The Bible compares the relationship between God and us to that of between a shepherd and his or her sheep. God as a shepherd raises us and take care of us, knowing our needs and thereby satisfying our soul. (Ps. 23:1) Additionally, God leads us to green pasture, allows us to have rest and restore our life. Therefore, we should depend on God who becomes our shepherd and be led by the guidance of God all the time.