Coming to Himself
(Lk. 15:11-21)

Parable of the debauchery son describes the father who eagerly waited for his son’s returning home. The story shows the love and grace of God who waits for the sinners’ returning to Him. We were ones who committed sins and would be ruined like the debauchery son. With the unconditional love, however, we are saved and have the privilege of being a child of God. Therefore, everything is the grace of God. We should look back on ourselves and repent our sins to be in the love and grace of God.

1. People who are wandering
In the parable of the debauchery son, the second son ran away with what he had. And he spent all the money and became poor. (Lk. 15:12-13) He had to take care of pigs and longed to fill his stomach with the pods that pigs are eating. He wanted to live without his father but what he came to him was hardships and despair. Our tragedy is caused by leaving God for our freedom. Without God, we don't have true hope. Only emptiness and despair come to us.

2. The turning point of life
The younger son thought of his father and came to his senses and decided to return to his father. Sometimes God allowed us to have stormy weather in our life so that we can come to our senses. At that moment, we should look back on our life, repenting our sins to return God. The real repentance enables us to move from self-centered life to God- oriented life.

3. Everlasting love of the Father
The father with full love didn't lock the door and waited for the return of His son. When the son came, the father ran toward him and hugged him. He put the best clothes and a ring for the son. (Lk. 15:20-23) He did not blame or scold but forgive his son unconditionally. He restored the authority of the son. God is just like the father. God still waits for our’ coming back to him. Once we return God, God forgive us and does not remember our sins or faults.