God who guides us to our desired haven
(Ps. 107:28-32)

Everyone in the world lives with dream and desire. However, sometimes the sail of ship meets the fierce storm when the ship moves to the hope. Our life is like a long journey on the open-wide ocean so our life faces the wind waves of adversity like the big waves on the ocean. However, we should not be frustrated before the fierce stormy waves rather we should look at the Almighty God who controls the nature. Then, God again securely leads us to the harbor of hope.

1. God who give us grace through adversity

When the piles of wave attack a ship traveling the ocean, the ship rises on the crest of the wave and then plummets. They mounted up to the heavens and went down to the depths; in their peril their courage melted away (Ps. 107:26). Likewise, there will be peril and danger that we cannot avoid and then we are so discouraged and frustrated. However, that stormy wave in our life is necessary to train us. When we go through the difficulties, we will be mature and have spiritual growth (James 1:2-4). Adversity makes us humble and lowered to experience God’s help and guidance. Therefore, when we meet adversity, let us see the Lord who is standing behind the stormy waves to control it.

2. God who lifts us

The waves of adversity are like sign that we should search God. Therefore, we should cry out to look for God before the waves of troubles (Ps. 107:28). When Jesus disciples met the stormy sea, the disciples woke him and said to him, "Teacher, don't you care if we drown?" Then Jesus got up, rebuked the wind and said to the waves, "Quiet! Be still!" Then the wind died down and it was completely calm (Mk. 4:39). When we meet the piles of trouble, let us not fight against them. We should make Jesus on our life wake up. Then Jesus will calm the stormy waves of our life and lifts us from the troubles.

3. God who achieve our dream and vision

When we cry out in the rainy and stormy sea, God will lead us to the safe harbor of our dream and vision. The dream and vision is the language of God. Therefore, we should embrace the holy and divine dream and vision (Phil. 2:13). However, there will be definite hardship and train until we get to the desired hope. The size of adversity is proportional to that of dream and vision. Therefore, we should grab the vision and dream when we meet difficulties and hardships. If our dream and vision fit the purpose of God, God will guide us to the harbor of hope under any circumstances of hardships.