The Reformation of King Asa
(2Ch. 14:2-7)

The risk of our Christian life starts from spiritual complacency. Without growing after being born, the child gives anxiety to his or her parents. Likewise, we meet downfall of our faith without spiritual growth. Therefore, we should grow and become renewed every day in Jesus Christ. Today’s scripture is talking about King Asa who saved Judah, which was spiritually declined, through religious reformation.

1.Doing what is good and right
Asa did what was good and right in the eyes of the LORD his God. He always thought that God looked at him. Bearing in mind that God was with him, he reigned over Judah righteously. We should live honestly and righteously. Even though we are in trouble because of doing what is right, we should not hide God’s glory at all. We should please God by living an honest life.

2.Removing idols
On sitting on the throne, Asa removed foreign altars and the high places, smashed the sacred stones and cut down the Asherah poles. It means he got rid of stumbling blocks between Judah and God. Therefore, we should remove something that we love more than God. We should find idols in our life and remove them. We should return God.

3.Commanding people to obey God’s word
He was not limited to remove the idols. He even ordered people to keep the Word of God. (2Ch. 14:4) The real transformation and reformation of life will begin when we meet God personally. Therefore, we should be righteous and faithful enough to keep the world of God and practice it in our daily life.

4.The Blessings given to King Asa
When Asa had peaceful and blessed time, Zerah the Cushite marched out against them with a vast army and three hundred chariots. It was impossible for him to defeat the enemies because the number of his own soldiers was 580,000. Then Asa called to the LORD with his all heart and God helped him and The LORD struck down the Cushites before Asa and Judah. And there were no more wars in his time. Resultantly, Judah had its Golden Age under the blessing of God. We should serve God only with our sincerity and should love God only thereby being blessed in the name of Jesus.