The Reformation of King Jehoshaphat

Reformation of our faith in the Lord is to transform our inner person into a renewed and changed person in God. Our inner person should be renewed every day (2Co. 4:16). To achieve this, we should repent our sins to love something more than God and go back to God-centered life based on the Word of God. Today's scripture reading focuses on the reformation driven by King Jehoshaphat.

1. Faith putting God first
Jehoshaphat walking in the right way like David did and his faith put God at the first place (2Ch. 17:3-4). David was the King who pleased God and depended on God. Jehoshaphat followed the way of King David and he sought for God even when everyone looked for the Baals. As a result, the LORD established the kingdom under his control; and all Judah brought gifts to Jehoshaphat, so that he had great wealth and honor (2Ch.17:5). Therefore, we should put our first priority on God under any circumstances and live for God.

2. The Word-centered faith
Jehoshaphat selected some officials, the priests and the Levites to teach the Law of the Lord to the people of Judah (2Ch. 17:9). At that moment, only the Levites and the priests were able to teach the Word of God. However, Jehoshaphat allowed the officials to teach the Law of the Lord, meaning the govermental body to spread of the orders of God to the ordinary people so that they are rooted in God deeply. Jehoshaphat enabled the Law of God to be practiced in order to transform the nation to be the kingdom of God. Therefore, the real reformation of our faith can be achieved only by the Word of God and faithful life in God at Church. Therefore, we should live in the Word of God.

3. Faith repenting and going to the right path
Jehoshaphat removed the high places and the Asherah poles from Judah, which had been left until his father's era (2Ch. 17:6). The reason why the people worshipped Asherah was due to their avarice. They considered Asherah as a god of rain and agriculture so they thought it was the way of having abundance in life by worshipping Asherah. So they served Asherah at the same time when they served God. The faith toward Baals represented to concentration on material prosperity and avarice. However, Jehoshaphat removed deeply-rooted idols and sought for God with all his heart so that he could witness the Golden Age of his kingdom after separation. Therefore, we should remove our selfishness and idols and repent our pursuing avarice and greed in the world.