My eyes are upon You

As the open sea has ceaseless waves, our life is full of waves and storm. Jehoshaphat depended on God when his nation was attacked by allied enemies. Then he went to the battle fields bravely. God helped him win over the enemies. So we should fix our eyes on Jesus even when we are under extremely difficult situation, praying and praising before the Lord. Then we can overcome the problems of our life.

1. An attack of the allied forces
When the nation was secured by the reformation of Jehoshaphat, Moabites and Ammonites with some of the Meunites build the allied forces to attack Judah. (2Ch. 20:1-2) Likewise, the evil spirits and the Satan attack Christians willing to follow the will of God by various means and ways. To win over the Satan, we should be armed with the armors of God to oppose and resist the Satan. (Eph.6:11) We should be awake and alarmed through prayer. (1Pet.5:8-9).

2. Jehoshaphat who believed and relied on God alone
When he heard the news of enemies invading, Jehoshaphat resolved to inquire of the LORD, and he proclaimed fasting for all Judah.(2Ch. 20:12) When we meet hardships, we should look at God to pray hard. There are no other means and ultimate ways to get through the difficulties but for the Prayer. (Mk. 9:29) God listened to the prayer and said through Jahaziel, “Do not be afraid or discouraged because of this vast army. For the battle is not yours, but God's.” Likewise, any spiritual wars ahead of us belong to God. Therefore, we should depend on God who is willingly fighting for us when we are in hardships and trouble.

3. Praise and thanksgiving to God
Jehoshaphat was convinced that his army would gain victory based on the Word of God through the prophet, Jahaziel. So he arranged the choir team praising the Lord before the army. In our thought, this is unreasonable but they only depended on God, believing that God would protect them. Once the praise had started, the allied enemies were fighting against each other and were all killed. (2Ch. 20:22-23) Thanksgiving and praise have wonderful power. Therefore, we should come before the Lord with praising and giving thanks under any circumstances.