Hard Pressed on Every Side
(2Co. 4: 7-1)

People want to live a peaceful and cozy life. However, we face various difficulties more or less. If we are with Jesus, the treasure of our life, when we meet the difficulties, we will live a victorious life by the power derived from God.

1.Jars of clay and the treasure

People are fragile and vulnerable like jars of clay. (Gen.2:7) However, we are transformed into the valuable and precious ones from the jars of clay after believing in Jesus because Jesus, who are precious and glorious, is in us.(2Co.4:7) Jesus is treasure forever, who cannot be exchanged for anything. Jesus lifted us from death to life by taking the cross, thereby giving us eternal life and salvation. Therefore, we should put Jesus in the center of our life. We should give glory to Jesus and lift Jesus only. (1 Co.15:10)

2.The Power of God

We are no longer clay-like people because Jesus is with us. Even we are like the jars of clay, we are equipped with the amazing power of God when we put Jesus in our heart. Then, we can live with the power of God, not with our own power. (2Co. 4:7) Paul overcame the hardest moments by relying on Jesus. He was boastful of Jesus who could be his strength when he was weak. (2Co. 12:5) Therefore, we should put down our ways of life humbly before the Lord and depend on God. Then, we can overcome the difficulties facing in the world.

3.Hard Pressed on Every Side

Just as Job was attacked all of at sudden, our enemies are devouring us like ferociously roaring lions. We are hard pressed on every side, but not crushed; perplexed, but not in despair; persecuted, but not abandoned; struck down, but not destroyed. (2Co. 4:8-9) Rather, we can join the suffering of Jesus through hardships and participate in the resurrection and victory of Jesus. Therefore, we should be filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit through Jesus, the treasure and the life.