
The Christian’s Identity
(1Pet. 2:9-10)

We have to live with the clear identity on ‘who I am’. Peter encouraged people who were scattered because of persecution to live with the identity so as Christians not to be frustrated. We’re heirs of God inheriting the Kingdom of God as well as Children of God. Then, we can have a sense of stability regardless of our situations or environment.

1. A Chosen people
We’re chosen people by God. (1Pet. 2:9a) God had called us before the universe was created. It was not because of our achievements or qualification but because of Grace of God. (Jn. 15:16) We should be proud of being children of God and live with positive faith and thanksgiving in all circumstances to give glory to God.

2. A Royal priesthood
We should have the identity as a royal priesthood. . (1Pet. 2:9b) While the priest worshipped God instead of people, King was the ruler of his country. We’re not only a priest but also a king. Therefore, we should drive out all the darkness with authority and power of the priest and king by depending on the precious blood of Jesus Christ. (Heb.10:19)

3. A Holy Nation
We are the holy nation (1Pet. 2:9c). We were once the salves of the sins, but we are totally washed by the precious blood of Jesus so that we become the holy nation. To be holy means that we are distinguished from the world and show the glory of God in our life. To achieve the divine Kingdom of God in this land, we should fight against various sins and be armed with the fullness of the Holy Spirit, the word of God and the power of the blood of Jesus. (1Pet. 1:15~16)

A people belonging to God
We are people belonging to God. (1Pet. 2:9d) God paid for us to be freed from the Devil and enabled us to become children of God. (Eph.1:7) Therefore, we are valuable and are cherished by God thereby heirs of God’s kingdom. (Gal.3:29) We should accept Jesus as our master of our life and put down all life-related matters before Jesus who takes care of our rest of life and should boast Jesus. (1Pet. 2:9~10)