As I planned, so it will be
(Isa. 14:24-27)

We sometimes change our plans or divert our directions to go depending on our surroundings or circumstances. However, God will achieve what he has planned. (Job. 23:13) Relying on God who is our master, we can have hope based on the word of God unchangeable. Today's scripture reading tells us that God controls the world under his plans with absolute authority.

1. God who fulfills his will
We human plans and will are not perfect so we fail to achieve what we planned. On the contrary, God's will is definitely achieved because God, who is almighty God, has power and authority to drive what he has planned. (Isa.14:24) God manages the universe, the creatures and the history of the world as well as what we have planned in the family, in the church and in the work place.(Job. 42:2) Therefore, we should fit our will to God's will by praying and meditating the Word of God. (Prov.19:21)

2. God who judges evil
What God had planned was revealed through Isaiah and the plan was to judge Assyria which attacked to encircle the South Judea so that the people of God set free from the burden and pressure. ( Isa. 14:25) At that moment, Assyria was the strongest country which defeated the North Israel B.C.722 including other countries in the Near East. It seems to have been impossible to defeat Assyria from the human viewpoint. However, God sent his angels and killed 18,500 Assyrian soldiers overnight. (2Kings 19:35) Therefore, the Evil will be perished by the judgment of God.

3. God's will for us

No one can deter or divert the way God works or drives with this plans and wills. The verse 27 says, "For the LORD Almighty has purposed, and who can thwart him? His hand is stretched out, and who can turn it back? "Also, Nahum, the prophet predicted the judgment of God toward Assyria and its fall.(Nah.1:2) Assyria was perished by Babylon in B.C. 612 as what the prophets warned. Therefore, we should go forward with absolute thanksgiving and faith even if we meet various difficulties and hardships on the course of achieving God's will.