Kingdom of God coming on us
(Rom. 14:16-18)

People want to live a happy life. We should fill our heart with real peace and happiness instead of depending on external conditions. Then, we should keep our heart. (Prov. 4:23) To do this, we should be filled with the Holy Spirit. We will experience of Kingdom of God in our life, filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit. (Rom. 14:17)

1. Kingdom of Righteousness
Righteousness of God is revealed on the cross of Jesus, through which God saved sinners. When we believe in Jesus, we are to be righteous people. We should accept the Gospel delivering the righteousness of God. We should live for seeking for the Kingdom of God and his righteousness. (Mk 6:33) We should live a life with the fullness of the Holy Spirit to have a real Christian life. Then, God will fill our needs. When we walk with the Lord (Ps. 31:1), live with the everlasting Word of God (Isa. 40:8) and love and serve the abandoned neighbors (Ps. 15:1-3), we will live righteously as children of God thereby being blessed a lot.

2. Kingdom of peace
Once we are filled with the Holy Spirit, we are in the presence of overflowing peace. Our Holy Spirit is our advocate, comforter and helper. Therefore, we can keep our heart calm even any circumstances and difficulties. One of leaders of Jerusalem church, Stephan was extremely persecuted by the Jewish religious leaders but he never lost his peace. His face seemed to be an angel. (Acts 6:15) When the ship the Apostle Paul and others were on board was facing the risk of being shipwrecked by the storm, all people in the ship were terrified and lost their hopes to live. (Acts 27:14-20) However, Paul made them peaceful and proclaimed the message of God full of being positive. (Acts 27:23-25) When we are filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit, we can be peaceful regardless of our conditions. (John 14:27)

3. Kingdom of Joy
Joy is one of fruits of the Holy Spirit. (Gal. 5:22-23) Children of God should live joyfully. Living with happiness all the times is the will of God. The reason for our happiness lies in Jesus who saved us from sins and death. (Phil. 4:4). We are saved by believing in Jesus. Therefore, people those who serve Jesus with thanksgiving on the salvation are always happy. (1Thess. 5:16-18) The bible says life without Jesus as well as life losing happiness serving our Lord is in vain. (Eccl.1:2). We should serve Jesus, fixing our eyes on to him and confess Jesus is our all. Then we will live a life filled with joy.