The Blessings of Abraham that came to the Christ
(Gal 3:13~14)

We live a blessed life. It is not through our efforts but through the suffering of Jesus on the cross, who was the source of our blessing and made us children of God. Therefore, we should live to give thanks to Jesus who gave us the grace of salvation. Moreover, we should share blessing with others.

1. Jesus who was cursed
God created humans. He got them have friendship with God, worship God and control the world which God has created. (Gen. 1:28) However, Adam and Eve were tempted and turned away from God so that they committed sins. (Gen 3:5~6) Therefore, we are surrounded by the death of our spirit, cursed environments and diseases of our body. No one is free from those punishments. However, Jesus cleared all our curses and forgave our sins, nailed on the cross.(Gal 3:13) During the old testament period, worship was temporary to be forgiven, while we are free at once when Jesus was sacrificed on the cross.(Heb. 10:11~14)

2. The blessing of Abraham
As Jesus forgave our sins on the cross, we are free from punishments of our sins. Once we accept Jesus as our savior thereby being blessed in our soul, everything and health. (1Jn. 1:2) When we live with the will of God after believing in Jesus, we'll receive the blessing of Abraham (Gal. 3:14a). The blessing of Abraham is to share the love and grace of God with others as children of God. (Gen .12:2~3) Especially we should share blessings with our neighbors who are in need and in despair because we are children of God. For example, during the night Paul had a vision of a man of Macedonia standing and begging him to come over to Macedonia and help them. So, he got ready at once to leave for Macedonia. (Act 16:9) We should deliver the Gospel and reach our helping hands for those who are in need and in despair.

3. The Promise of the Holy Spirit
Those who believe in Jesus receive the Holy Spirit as what Jesus had promised. (Gal 3:14b) The Holy Spirit enables us to live following Jesus’ life of love, sacrifice, service and sharing that are revealed thought the cross. We can help our unprivileged and abandoned neighbors by fullness of the Holy Spirit. (Act 2:44~45) We, as Christians, nailed our selfish desires and greed on the cross by the power of the Holy Spirit. (Gal 5:24) God wants us to share blessing with others by realizing what blessed life is, which is to help others. God wants us to know that giving is much blessed life than receive. (Acts 20:33~35) To do this, we should be filled with the Holy Spirit and become the witness of Gospel all the times.