Trust God
(Isa 26:1~7)

People in the world trust something to sustain their lives like people, money, power, health and talent. But all these things are easily changing and not lasted for ever. We should believe on God who is forever and unchangeable. People who trust God sincerely are blessed and gain a successful life. (Jer. 17:7)

1.Grace like strong city
God gives grace like strong city to those who trust God sincerely.(Isa. 26:1) The Moabites and Ammonites with some of the Meunites came to make war on Jehoshaphat.(2Chr. 20:1) Jehoshaphat resolved to inquire of the LORD, and he proclaimed a fast for all Judah. The people of Judah came together to seek help from the LORD; indeed, they came from every town in Judah to seek him.(2Chr. 20:3-4) They were encouraged by the word of God and went to the war. (2 Chr. 20:24) When the grace like strong city comes on us, we will have victory and our life is full of praise. (Isa. 60:18)

2. A person of steadfast faith
God will protect one who is steadfast and firm in faith to trust God.(Isa. 26:3) When we keep our faith in God whatever we meet our problems, God will save and give us new strength to overcome them. (Isa. 40:31) When we rejoice in suffering by depending on God, God will achieve our hope (Rom. 5:3-4) and makes everything in good. (Rom. 8:28). Even we are under untold difficulties and troubles, we should be armed with unshaken faith to experience miracle of God.

3. God who shows mercy on the righteous
God is pleased with the righteous and help them. The righteous is the one who lives with the Word of God and live honestly. (Isa. 26:7) God judges those who turn away from the righteousness and commit misdeed, while giving the righteous peace, victory and blessing to their lives. (Isa. 26:5-12). The source of sins is rooted in the arrogance. (Gen. 3:5). Therefore, we should be humble and depend on God. We should walk in to the right direction thereby being used as the tool of God to show the glory of God when we are pleased with the salvation of God and praise the Lord.