In all your ways Acknowledge God
(Prov. 3:1-7)

There are two ways ahead of us. One is human-centered way and the other is God-centered way. As creatures of God, we should follow the way centered on God. Then we can give glory to the Lord and get the real peace and satisfaction.

1. Obey God

God-centered life enables us to keep the Word of God to obey God. (Prov. 3:1) When we inscribe the Word of God in our heart deeply to keep it for rest of our life, God gives us blessing in our lives. (Prov. 3:2) The mature and faithful men of God are the ones who keep the World of God completely. The reason for Abraham to become the ancestor of faith was he kept the Word of God thoroughly and honored God. (Gen. 22:12) Those who keep the Word of God and practice love and service for neighbors will live a life praised and honored by God and people around them. (Prov. 3:3-4)

2. Trust in God

God-oriented life is related to trust in God who is almighty. We should depend on God, then God will give us blessings and miracles. In contrast, we will be frustrated and disturbed when we only depend on our understanding and judgment. The bible says that the foolishness of God is wiser than man's wisdom, and the weakness of God is stronger than man's strength. (1 Co.1:25) Also, God is always same (Heb. 13:8) and is with us all the times (Mt 28:30). Therefore, we will experience the power of God if we trust in and depend on God. (Ps. 18:1)

3. Acknowledge God

God-focused life drives us to acknowledge God in any circumstances. God leads us with amazing plans for us. We should believe the perfect plan of God and acknowledge God to be led by God. (Prov. 3:6) The reason we are easily committing sins is we think we are wise enough to do everything without asking for the wisdom of God. We should realize the will of God in our small and big events of our lives. Also, we should set plan for our futures in God. We will be blessed when we have God-oriented life to give glory to God. (1Cor. 10:31)