Reasons to give thanks to God
(Hab. 3:16-19)

Thankfulness makes our life happy. It is the power to overcome hardships and despairs thereby making our life blessed. The reasons to thank God are not in the conditions of the world but in God so that we can have a life to give thanks to God. (1Thes. 5:18)

1. God who is with us
We can give thanks to the Lord because God is with us. When the prophet Habakkuk worked, the South Judea was suffering from the conflicts between powerful nations and was in the danger of being perished by Babylon. (Hab. 3:16-17) It was the same situation that we had during the end of Chosun dynasty. However, at that moment, our people overcame difficulties by depending on God after we had received Gospel from the missionaries dispatched from Western countries. (Ps. 30:11-12) Even when we meet the moment of pain and sighs, we can overcome the difficulties by depending on God who is with us. (Ps. 30:11-12)
2. God of salvation

We can give thanks to the Lord because God gives us salvation. (Hab .3:18). God delivers us from all sins, curses, poverty, diseases and adversities. When we face the most difficult moment, we should look at God who is our savior and deliverer. God will save us and put us on the strong ground of salvation. (Ps. 40:1-2) Furthermore, God sent Jesus to save us and Jesus was sacrificed on the cross to forgive and save us. Thinking that amazing grace of God (Heb. 12:2), we can give praise and thanks under any circumstances. (Ps. 103: 2-5)

3. God of Almighty

God becomes our power and ability so that we can give thanks to the Lord.(Hab. 3:19a) God gives us new power and strength for us to solve our problems in our lives so that we can be praised and acknowledged by God and people around us. God lifts us to give glory to the Lord. (Hab. 3:19b) Put away blames and grumbles out of our lives, even though we are in the trouble. March forward with absolute thankfulness and strong faith, and we experience glorious victory and miracle through the power of God, thereby praising and giving thanks to the Lord. (Ps. 68:35)