Things to thank God for
(Ps. 103:1-6)

We should live a life to give thanks to the Lord, once we become children of God by believing in Jesus. To give thanks in all circumstances is the will of God and it is one of characteristics of our life as a Christian. (1 Thess. 5:18) Also, we can have victorious life when we are armed with the absolute thanks while we live.

1. Praise the Lord
God is worthy of being praised. (Ps. 103:1) We're created to praise the Lord. (Ps. 43:21) Therefore, we should praise God as well as the name of the Lord. (Ps. 145:1-3) Paul and Silas were persecuted severely, hit and put into prison because of their spreading Gospel in Philippi. However, they prayed and praised the Lord even in the prison. (Act.16:25) God listened to their prayers and praise, thereby showing enormous miracle and salvation. (Act. 16:27-34) Our life will be filled with miracle if we live a life to praise the Lord until we breathe our life breath.

2. Do not forget all his benefits
God gives us blessing of salvation, healing and restoration. (Ps. 103:3-5) Our life has been with the grace of God once we look back on our life. Therefore, we should remember what God has given to us and give thanks to the Lord. (Ps. 103:2) Israel people were set free from slavery of the Egypt thanks to the help of God and went to the Promised Land, Canaan. However, they forgot the grace of God when they faced their physical needs of survival and the hot dessert, they complained and grumbled. (Ex. 16:2-3) Without forgetting the grace of God we've got in the journey of our life, our soul will be filled with peace and thanks.

3. Think of God's righteousness and justice
God is absolutely righteous and fair. (Isa 61:8) God works righteousness and justice for all the oppressed. (Ps. 103:6) Therefore, we should be away from the Evil and live a honest life. Sometimes it seems that the evil people are blessed while the good men are troubled. However, God will save the good men and judge the evil because God is righteous judge. (Ps. 37:1-2) Even we are troubled because of not compromising with the World, we can experience the biggest victory by giving thanks to the Lord and depending on the righteous God.