Eternal Thanksgiving
(Ps 103:8-14)

Mature Christians give thanks to God in the hardships. Giving thanks under difficulties is real. The reason we keep thanksgiving is to learn about how pilgrims gave thanks to God even they were in hardships so that we can practice love, forgiveness and sharing that were taught by Jesus.

1. The basis of thanksgiving
We give thanks to the Lord because of God who is graceful and merciful.(Ps. 103:8) We didn't have any right and conditions to be loved and chosen by God.(1Jn. 4:10) The way we become children of God is by the grace of God. Salvation we received is the present of God. (Eph. 2:8) Also God gave us blessings to be united with church out of the world filled with sins and darkness. Love toward us and the grace of God calling us children of God drive us to give thanks to the Lord forever.

2. Things to give thanks to God

We can give thanks to the Lord because of forgiveness through the cross of Jesus. (Ps. 103:10-12) We don't have any power and ways to clear the outcomes of sins. However, Jesus opened the way to remove sins by shedding blood on the cross. (Eph. 1:7) When we commit sins because of habits of the old person inside, we are forgiven once we repent our sins by depending on the precious blood of Jesus. Also all the things we lost because of our sins are restored, once we repent our sins. The sacrifice for us and the precious blood of Jesus setting free us from sins enable us to give thanks to God all the times.

3. The reasons to Thank God for life

The reason we give thanks to God for life and for good is that God gives us mercy on us who are weak and imperfect. God gives us his compassion on us, even when we just follow our own will. (Ps. 103:13) God knows how we are formed and he remembers that we are dust so that God leads us, holds us and helps us. (Ps. 103:14) Therefore, we should share the love that we've got with our neighbors, giving thanks to Lord. Those who practice love and forgiveness as well as sharing and service are the true Christians who have the life of thanksgiving toward God. (Col. 3:13)