Praise and Thanksgiving
(Ex. 15:1-6, 13)

The biggest and miraculous event is to believe in Jesus and is forgiven thereby becoming a child of God. That we are saved is represented in the Exodus of Israel people who had become slaves of Egyptian people for 430 years. They experienced the miracle of watching split sea and walking on the bottom of the sea and they gave thanks to God. Seeing this, we realize how we should give thanks to God because we experience of salvation of God.

1. God who is worthy of praise forever
Then Moses and the Israelites sang this song to the LORD who saved them out of 430-year slavery under Egyptian people and the hands of Pharaoh. (Ex.15:1-2) The exodus out of Egypt was done by Grace of God and the only thing that God could do. The salvation we've received is only possible through God. So we should give thanks to God because we experienced the miracle of salvation and are blessed. By doing so, God shows his holiness into our soul, presenting in the middle of our praise. (Ps. 22:3)
2. God who gives us the great victory
Moses and Israelites praised God because God made the Egyptian soldiers were covered by the water thereby gaining victory. (Ex. 15:3-5) It was the great victory they had experienced that made disappeared all the enemies at once whom they were afraid of. Likewise, Jesus who won against the world is with us forever and strengthens us to overcome adversity as well as difficulties in our lives so that we can give glory to God. (Jn. 16:33)

3. God who leads us

Moses and the Israel people had to cross the Red Sea to get into the land of promise, Canaan. They believed that God, who allowed them to flee from Egypt safely, would protect them from dangers of desert so they praised the Lord. (Ex. 15:13) Likewise, we should go to the journey until we get to Heaven. However, God who gives us his salvation will protect us like a shepherd. (Ps. 23:1-4). In addition, God will lead us with his Word and Holy Spirit to make us satisfied and to fill our needs with his abundant grace in our lives. (Isa. 58:11)