Grace of God
(Ezek. 36:24-28)

When we look back on our life, we know that everything is related to grace of God. Without realizing this, people tend to be arrogant, thinking that everything is natural outcomes in return according to their efforts. However, people who realize the grace of God praise God with thanksgiving and glory.

1. God who is with and leads us
We should give thanks to Lord because God has led us with his grace. God gave amazing grace for the Israel people by leading them out Egypt and walking with them when they were in desert. Also God made the Israel people return to Jerusalem when they had become captives under Babylon because of their sins of worshipping idols. (Ezek. 36:34) God gave mercy seeing them repenting their sins and being humble. (Ps. 51:17) We break the heart of God with our weakness, faults, sins and pride but God leads us whom God save through the precious blood of Jesus. God is never away from us and leads us until we go to heaven.

2. God who cleanses us
We should give thanks because God cleanses our sins and purify us. (Ezek. 36:25) God judged the Israel people when they turned away from the grace of God, even though they were chosen and blessed. They had worshipped the visible idols and turned away from the Word of God rather than serving God who is the origin of blessing. However, God who is merciful, forgave their sins which were as red as scarlet and made their sins white as snow. (Isa. 1:18) Sometimes we are tempted by the world, thereby committing sins but Jesus transforms us into the tools that God can use through the Word filled with the power of precious blood of Jesus. (2 Tim. 2:20~21)

3. God who gives a new spirit and a new heart

We should give thanks to God because God gives us a new heart and a renewed soul for us to live with the will of God. (Ezek. 36:26-27) God gave the holy laws through Moses to the Israel people. However, they who darken and had rigid mind because of sins couldn't keep the law of God sincerely. Therefore God promised them to give a new heart and new spirit for them to be sincere people of God.(Ezek. 36:26) Nothing in the world including ourselves, cannot renew us but only God can renew us by purring the Holy Spirit so that we can be renewed and reborn to live as true people of God.