God who does great things for us
(Lk. 1:46-55)

God whom we believe in is Almighty. There is nothing impossible to God. Mary heard that she would have a baby and give birth to the baby. After Mary was also assured that Even Elizabeth, her relative, was going to have a child in her old age, she gave glory to the Lord.

1. God who is mindful of the humble

God takes care of those who are humble. Mary was born in a normal family and she was poor so that she gave a dove as a sacrifice offering rather than a baby lamb when she had purification for Jesus. (Lk.2:22~24) However, God chose Mary regardless of her external background because of her pure mind and obedience to Lord. And God gave her a blessing to have a baby through the Holy Spirit. (Lk. 1:47~48) God is not interested in our weakness and troubles. Rather, God is with us to bring miracles when we only look on God.

2. God who works through the prepared person

God works through someone who is prepared. Mary believed strongly that God would work through her and praised the Lord. (Lk. 1:49) When she was prepared with such a great faith, God used her as his tool for saving the mankind. Reading the Bible, we know that all the great faithful ancestors have been prepared with strong faith. They depended on God and overcame difficulties with absolute positive attitude and thanksgiving to the Lord. Once we are prepared as a faithful servant of God for God to use us regardless any types of temptations and tests of the world, we will see how God will work for us in our life.

3. God who solves the problems

God solves the problems. Mary realized the love and mercy of God toward her life deeply by the works of God who would achieve the miraculous happenings in her life. (Lk. 1:51-54) She praised the Lord who will judge the arrogant and the one who makes use of power but holds the weak. God, who didn't save his own son because of love toward us, will fill our needs. (Rom. 8:32) If we live with faith only and remove all the useless greed and avarice, God will surely bless us in our lives.