My Lord, My Jesus
(Isa. 42:2-4)

Isaiah was a chosen prophet who pleases God. He foretold coming Jesus as messiah. This prophesied prediction was achieved after 700 years. Today's scripture reading tells what Jesus is like.

1. Jesus who stands on the side of the weak
Jesus is with the sick and the poor. (Isa. 42:2) The world gives them the cold shoulder and not listens to them. However, Jesus is with the weak and the unprivileged, hearing their subtle voice and taking care of them with love. Jesus is paying attention to them rather than raising his own voice. Jesus is sympathized with them. (Mt. 12:19) When they take heavy burdens, Jesus removes them to give real peace and comfort. (Mt. 11:28) Therefore, we should join the suffering of the weak and take care of them with love.

2. Jesus who does not give up until the end
Jesus will not break someone who is like a bruise reed. He will not give up someone who is like a smoldering light. The world turned away from the loser and judges someone who is with faults. However Jesus gives mercy on those who is with sins. Just like the good Samaritan who took care of a man who was attacked by a robber, Jesus does not abandon those who are in despair. (Lk. 10:33-34) Therefore, we as Christians should take care of the wounded and depressed, embracing them.

3. Jesus who establishes the right

Jesus establishes the right on the Earth. (Isa. 42:4) The justice of Jesus is to correct something wrong in individual person, society and a nation. Therefore, when Jesus establishes the justice, we should turn away from sins and restore our life to please God. (Mk 1:15) Even an unrighteous person or a group tries to paralyze the justice of Jesus, Jesus never gives up. Therefore, we should live as a salt and light until Jesus comes back to us so that we can confess like "My lord, and my Jesus" with joy and excitement.