The way to run forward
(Act 20:22-24)

We want to live without regret. Reading the letter written by Paul before he was leaving Ephesus church, we can see how to live to be praised and accepted by God.

1. Life compelled by the Holy Spirit
Paul was driven by the Holy Spirit.(Act 20:22) He had lived according to his thought, experiences and will before he met Jesus on the way to Damascus. On the contrary, he was led by the Holy Spirit after he was filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit. God was pleased with his life and brought about miracles through him. While he was in Ephesus for two years, a sick person was healed with his handkerchief being touched or an evil spirit was driven. However, he was not complacent in Ephesus and he had new vision of Rome. This shows us how to live as Christians filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit.

2. The mission from Jesus Christ
Paul out his earnest efforts to the fullness to achieve the mission received from Jesus.(Act 20:23-24a) It was a mission to spread Gospel to the gentiles.(Act 9:15) He was brave to complete this mission despite of any troubles and adversities. His goal was to spread Gospel to the end of the world as a servant of God and dedicated to the goal. When he noticed Ephesus church members that he would leave for Jerusalem, they opposed to his plan strongly, but he did not give up achieving his mission. His devotion to the mission given from Jesus tells us how to take responsibilities as children of God.

3. The value of life

Paul lived to show what the genuine value of would be. He took a lot of risks and dangers to achieve the mission Jesus entrusted with. He was sent to a prison, hit seriously and almost nearly dead but was alive. He couldn't sleep, had been starved and cold, and was ignored by Jewish people. On the course of mission trips, he faced extremely dangerous moments so that he had been exposed to death again and again. His life was not easy with human eyes. However, he didn't save his life to spread Gospel and became a martyr.