Toward the goal
(Phi. 3:12-14)

To live as Christians, we should live a life with a clear goal. Without the goal of life, we fill our lives with something vain and useless. When setting clear goals in Jesus and marching forward with faith, we can be satisfied in our life with joy.

1. Do not settle for the present
We should always have new dreams and hopes to shape our future by challenging against difficulties. (Phi. 3:12) However, when we settle on the present by being taken in achievement and feats of past, we will fall back. We should keep running in the race of faith to be awarded by Jesus.(1Cor. 9:24) To maintain passion of dedication enthusiastically takes a lot of efforts. However, God will give us power and strength for us not to be shaken when we depend on God. (Isa. 40:31) Therefore, God wants to use someone who doesn't settle on the complacency. Rather, God used someone who wants to be renewed all the time.

2. Do not be bound to the past
Also, we should not be bound to the past. (Phi. 3:13) We should put down all the memories including bad or good memories before the cross of Jesus. Jesus wants us to be anew in Jesus. (2Cor. 5:17) Looking back and clinging to the past makes us bound to the past and prohibits us from achieving what God asked us to do. After Exodus, the Israelites sticking to the past, couldn't step on Canaan. Whereas, Joseph future-oriented saved his family members as well as many people by becoming a prime minister of Egypt. God is pleased with the one who expects on the future blessed, not obsessed with the past.

3. Press on toward the goal

We should live to achieve our duty with our best efforts. (Phi. 3:14) Faithful life is related to marching forward. Marching with faith should direct with a clear goal. We should focus on Jesus and live as salt and light of the world to give glory to God. (Isa. 43:21) The mission that we receive is precious enough for us to dedicate and devote ourselves to the kingdom of God. With this faith, we should not give up racing to get to the goal, regardless of what others say. God is with the one who runs toward the goal with being absolutely positive and thanksgiving, overcoming the temptation of the world.