In Him who gives me strength
(Phi. 4:11-13)

The main cause that people have difficulties of life lies in oneself. Facing difficulties, we should not blame other, but rather we should look back on our sins and faults. Then, we should depend on God to be renewed and to have a victorious life

1. Faith that is absolutely positive
The secret of successful life and of faithful life lie in giving thanks to the Lord in any circumstances. (Phi.4:11) We, blessed children of God should not be controlled by surroundings, but be content in any situation. Avarice and desire to have more are endless, so we need to go through various trials and tests to know how to be content with any situations. If we can be satisfied with what we have -such as food for eating and clothes for wearing, we are benefited from in our faithful life. (1 Tim. 6:6) Once we believe in God who makes everything good, we can be away from complains and grumbles when we meet unexpected adversities. (Job. 2:10) We should go forward with faith that is absolutely positive by depending on God who gives us the best all the time.

2. Faith that lives with the grace of the Lord
The key of victorious life and of faithful life is to remain in the grace of God. Our lives have ups and downs, blue days and rosy days along with successful days and troubled days. (Phi. 4:12) However, when we are living under the grace of God, we can overcome various moments of life well enough and give thanks to the Lord under any situations. God gives us greater grace and mercy when we live honestly and humbly. God becomes our strength when we become weak. Also, when we remain in the grace of God, He fills our needs abundantly. (2 Cor. 12:9) Therefore, we should possess faith to fix our eyes on God and live with the grace of God by looking at Jesus who gives amazing blessing and peace all the time.

3. Faith that glorifies the Lord alone

The secret of blessed life and of faithful life is in giving glory to God. God provides us with power for us to have blessed life and faith. (Phi. 4:13) People in the world tend to be easily frustrated with small matters because they depend on their own power or trust in other people. However, there is limitation in power of humans. Thus, we should live with the power of God. Also, we should do everything for the glory of God because we are children of God. (1Cor.10:31) Without depending on the power of other people, we should be armed with the divine power of God to give glory to God.