Grace of the Ford of the Jabbok
(Gen. 32:24-29)

There is no one who does not have adversities. Adversities of Christians are course for the greater blessing as well as blessing. The greater adversity before the Jabbok enabled Jacob to experience the amazing grace of God.

1. The river in from of us
Jacob had 12 sons as well as a lot of animals and had a chance to return to his home town after 20 years have passed. However, a lot of adversities lied ahead of him because he deceived his father and his brother, who lost his birth right and prepared 400 soldiers against Jacob. (Gen. 32:6)That night, at ford of the Jabbok, Jacob set his two wives, his two maidservants and his eleven sons with all his possessions across the stream, but he left alone.(Gen. 32:24a). Likewise, we have the ford of Jabbok which we cannot across by ourselves. When we put down all the burdens before Jesus and depend on Jesus, we can overcome the difficulties and find the real peace and rest. (Mt. 11:29)

2. When self is broken

When he left alone, the angel of God came to him. (Gen. 32:4b) At the center of his frustrating moment, he wrestled with the angel of God by earnestly praying. When the man saw that he could not overpower him, he touched the socket of Jacob's hip so that his hip was wrenched as he wrestled with the man.(Gen. 32:25) At this moment, the sly, selfish and human-centered attitude of Jacob was totally broken down. Thus, he realized that he couldn't live without God and sought for the help of God. When we break our selfishness, arrogance and strong ego by living in the faith in Jesus, we can own the amazing blessing of God. (Gal. 2:20)

3. Life that God guides

When Jacob lowered himself humbly, he was blessed with the grace of God. The angel of God asked his name and made him look back on his past life and gave him the new name called Israel. (Gen. 32:27-28). Therefore, he erased his shameful mistakes and had a new and faithful start with the new identity under the control of God. He was blessed to face God- the grace of Peniel and was blessed to have reconciliation with his older brother Esau while he had passed through his difficulties.(Gen 33:4) When we become mature Christians of faith despite of hardships of life by seeking God, we can walk toward new life, with being accompanied by God.