God gave him success in whatever he did
(Gen. 39:19-23)

After believing in Jesus, we become the blessed children of God. Then we should live a life to please God as the children of God and have a distinguished life to be acknowledged by God like Joseph.

1. When we are put in the prison of despair
Sometimes we spend times feeling that we are in the prison of despair. Joseph had difficult times because of trials and tests in his life so he felt his hope was disappearing. (Gen. 39:19-20)
For example, he was sold by his brothers to Egypt as a slave and was sent into a prison with the false charge. However, he kept away from sins and served God only thereby enduring his hardships. (Gen. 39:10) Likewise, God allows us to have difficulties to make us humble for achieving our dreams. (Rom. 5:3-4) Therefore, the hardships are not the end of life. Rather, they become the shortcut to pass despair. We should be away from grumbles and complains. We should depend on God.

2. God who is with us in our suffering
When we are in troubles and difficulties, God is with us even when we walk in the valley of death. Joseph was falsely accused and was sent to a prison but God was with him. (Gen. 39:21) God gave him mercy and answered his prayer and granted Joseph a favor in the eyes of the prison so that he took responsibilities for all that was done there. God was with Joseph who was in suffering and gave him success in whatever he did. That was the secret how he overcame his difficulties. Therefore, don't complain of the evil man's success but aspire the grace of God presenting for us during the time of adversity.
3. God who raises us after trials
God lifts us and achieves our dreams after we pass the tunnel of sufferings. After Joseph passed through his difficulties, God gave him amazing and wonderful grace. (Acts. 7:9-10) As what he had dreamed, he was able to be a high-ranked person to save many lives. (Gen. 41:38-41) Likewise, the holy vision of God will surely be achieved on the right time of God. However, we should go through the hardships before the dreams come true. Without suffering, there are no blessings. Jesus had suffered to save us. Therefore, let’s have a holy vision and move forward, looking at glory after sufferings end