Am I in the Place of God?
(Gen. 50:19-21)

We might have deepest wounds when we are betrayed by the one we depended on including Christians, close family members or best friends. However, when we are captivated with that wounded feelings, we can neither experience maturity of faith nor can march forward to the new life.

1. The enemies surrounding us
We cannot be loved by all the people. But it's hard for us to become the subject of being hatred, jealousy, blamed without reasonable grounds. If the one who hurts us is closer to us, we have very broken heart. Joseph had a wound that he was disliked and sold by his brothers and set to Egypt as a slave. (Gen.50:20A). David suffered because of the King Soul and his son, Absalom. Also, Paul was a lot persecuted by his fellow Jewish people. Likewise the wounds caused by the close relationship gives us the big agony. Nevertheless, we can overcome them by depending on Jesus without looking at people around us because we are children of God.

2. God who turns evil to good
Even though there are so many enemies in our lives, we are with God who turns the evil to good. God turned the bad things done by Joseph's brothers to Joseph into the blessing that he became the prime minister of Egypt. As a result, Joseph as the prime mister of Egypt was used to save many lives.(Gen. 50:20b) The Jewish religious leaders had wrongdoing to nail Jesus on the cross but Jesus saved us through his sacrifice. (Jn. 19:30) Likewise, God can change everything to good, so we should overcome the evil by good as the real victor in Jesus Christ. (Rom. 12:21)

3. Life of forgiveness and love
The life to beat the evil by good and the life as children of God are related to practice the love and forgiveness. Joseph forgave his brothers who sold him and took care of their brothers with love. (Gen. 50:21) God forgave us who had to be dead as sinners without payments and allows us to live in the love of God as children of God. God gave us unconditional love and forgiveness. As beloved children of God, we can practice forgiveness and love that we have experienced. (Ep.5:1-2)