The Papyrus Basket
(Ex 2:5-10)

There are no coincidences. Even we are in the extreme troubles and adversities, God is not away from us. God is always with us and guides us with his hands. God works in our lives.

1. Life that is forsaken

Jacob's family with the number of 70 reached enormous number after 400 years had passed in Egypt. The new King who didn't know Joseph feared the number of Israel people and abused them with the hard labor. He finally ordered to kill all the male babies who would be born. At that moment, a male baby was born. The parent hid him for three months but couldn't anymore so that they put the boy in the papyrus basket and sent it in the Nile river to save the boy. (Ex. 2:1-3) We live a life feeling that we are forsaken in the desperate situation. However, the biggest pain in our life is we are living in the sins. (Rom 1:28)

2. Life that is saved

The baby in the papyrus box had to be in the situation where he would be prey to the beasts or would be dead because of strong waves of the river. However, the basket was discovered by the Egyptian Princess who was there to have a bath and the baby in the basket was lifted from the risk and gave him a name, Mosses.(Ex.2:5-6,10) All the events were guided by God with His grace. Sometimes God uses people when God helps us. No one can be saved out of troubles and adversities by themselves. Once God's grace can save us and we are here because we are taken care of by others.

3. Life that is in the care of God

God allowed the baby Moses to return his birth mother and was raised by feeding and being taught by the Word of God. (Ex 2:7-9) God also took care of his all his life with his grace. Behind all the scenes, Hebrew midwife was devoted to God and the mother of Mosses didn't lose hope in the mid of difficulties. Likewise, we should not lose faith in any situation and we should admire God regardless of our hardships, thereby experiencing endless of grace of God and seeing everything become good.