The Church that the Lord is pleased with
(Mk. 21:12-14)

Jesus cleaned the temple when it was the first day of last week before he died on the cross because Jesus wanted to restore the image of church that pleases God. We see what image of church is desirable through purification of church done by Jesus.

1. The church that the Lord feels sorry for

There were people who sold something in the courtyard. (Mk. 21:12) They were associated with high priests to take up the seats that they can sell things and sold animals expensively to Jewish people. Or they received service charges when they traded currency. Jesus drove them out of the temple. Church should not become the place to satisfy human needs because it should be filled with worship, praise, thanksgiving and glory toward God. When the worldly things such as selfishness and avarice replace the church, Jesus is sad.

2. The house of prayer
Jesus says that temple should be the house of prayer. (Mt. 21:13) This is will of God toward the church. It should serve as the ark of salvation in the world and as the path of blessing to spread the love and grace of God. Church should teach the Word of God through the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Without prayer, there is not church revival. Even Jesus, the son of God, prayed hard. (Mk. 1:35) Jesus is pleased with a church which exerts the best effort to pray hard all the time.

3. The house of healing

After purifying the church, Jesus healed the blind and the crippled. (Mk. 21:14) The blind and the crippled were discriminated not to come to church for worship service. Jesus expelled the selfish merchants and sellers out of the temple while healing the unwelcomed people. This shows what church should do through Jesus. Jesus spent two thirds healing the sick in his public life. Jesus uses the Christians who are transformed by the precious blood of Jesus and renewed churches to heal the world.