The Bush on Fire
(Ex 3:1-4)

Meeting is important in our life. We give and take influences through various meetings and many parts of life are shaped by the meetings. However, the most important encounter is to meet Jesus and God, our creator.

1. Life like a bush

Moses who became the runaway because of killing an Egyptian man spent 40years at the desert and became 80-year old man. One day, when he arrived at the mountain, Horeb, he saw a bush on fire. (Ex 3:1-2) The bush is like us living in the world like desert. The reason we are surrounded by thorns and wounds is that we desire to be master of our lives. (Rom. 8:6-7) Therefore, we should live in Jesus who can give us abundant life, and accept Jesus as the master of our life.

2. The fire of the Holy Spirit on us
Once we like the bush on the desert accept Jesus, we need the fire of the Holy Spirit. (Ex. 3:2-3) Receiving the fire of the Holy Spirit and filled with the Holy Spirit, we experience the presence of God and realized the real meaning of the love of Jesus on the cross. Just as the bush on fire gave Moses hope in the despair, the fire of the Holy Spirit gives us dreams and hopes instead of anxiety, worries, frustrations, and so on. However, if we lose the Holy Spirit, we are living as the bush with thorns giving hurts to others. (1Thess. 5:19) Therefore, we should stick to the Word of God, praying hard and being filled with the Holy Spirit. And then, we become the powerful witness of Jesus to spread gospel.

3. God who calls us

When God called Moses approaching the bush on fire, Moses responded to God. (Ex. 3:4) And Moses saw things turning around. God is calling us to give his divine calling. However, we are frequently attracted to things in the world so we cannot answer God's calling sensitively. When we are absorbed in to the noise of the world, we are dull spiritually and susceptible to world, so we are easily hurt and frustrated. Therefore, we should be awake spiritually to respond to God as soon as possible and be prepared when God calls us.