Have mercy on Me
(Mk. 10:46-52)

People tend to live on his or her criteria. Then, they fall to self-righteousness, arrogance, prejudice, inferior feeling, depression and frustration. As children of God, we should see and think with the view of God and depend on mercy of God.

1. The life of the physically blind

The blind man, Bartimaeus, sat on the street when Jesus left Jericho. (Mk. 10:45) He was blind so the only thing he could do was begging. He was so devastated and frustrated. Likewise, many people these days have physical diseases, great and small. They give us sadness, pain and suffering to patients as well as their family members. Paul also had a physical weakness but he accepted it as grace and overcame it. (2 Co. 12:7) Jesus allows us to be healed regardless of types of diseases once we depend on Jesus with not being frustrated. (Mk. 4:23-24)

2. The mentally blind
The disabled mind badly influences on our life and personality. We reborn in Jesus, should not have disabled mind caused by negative words because we have new identity. We should keep marching by praying hard with faith until we get to mercy of God. People rebuked Bartimaeous, asking the mercy of Jesus while he kept crying out for the favor of Jesus. (Mk. 10:47-48) People ignored and despised him due to his physical weakness but his mind was not frustrated. Jesus helps those who have brave heart and fix their eyes on the Jesus no matter what happens.
3. The life of the spiritually blind

It is the real blind man whose spiritual eyes go blind. Not to become the spiritual blind, we should turn away from the sinful life and believe in Jesus. When Jesus called Bartimaeus, he took of his outer cloth, his own possession, coming to Jesus. (Mr.10:50) It means he took off the old way of life as a beggar and held Jesus with strong faith by believing that Jesus would give him a new life. As a result, Jesus healed his eyes and saved him. (Mk.10:51-52) Jesus enables us to have mercy of salvation once we get rid of sinful life with thorough repentance and hard prayer, asking the mercy of God with faith.