(Ex. 3:5-8)

People with a clear vision and goals are happy, while people lacking it are not happy. As Christians, we should exert our best efforts to achieve the calling and give glory to the Lord.

1. The determination of life

When Moses approached to the bush not burning, he heard the message of God and responded to God. God asked him to take off his shoes. Shoes were covered with dirt, which represented how people were living. Also, Israel people took off their shoes when they gave up their rights.(Ruth. 4:7-8) Therefore, that God's request to take off the shoes meant repenting Moses' sins, arrogance and hot-tempered personality. Furthermore, it meant giving up his rights of life in order to be renewed leader of Israel, who would lead his people out of Egypt. Therefore, we should decide to live holy and live a renewed life by giving up our rights before God.

2. The voice of God
Watching over painful Israel people in Egypt, listening to their prayer, knowing their worries, God answered by giving them miracle of Exodus so that they could be in Canaan. (Gen. 15:13-14) It was already promised to Abraham. (Gen 15:13-14) Likewise, God is sincere enough to jeep his words and give his mercy to his chosen people. As a result, our mind is full of happiness, hope and faith when we listen to the message of God. (Isa. 41:10) Therefore, if we want to take the mission, we should listen to God not focusing on the sounds of words and what other people say.

3. God who gives us the mission

God said God would give Moses the mission of a leader of Exodus. (Ex. 3:9-10) However, Moses lowered himself and confessed for his not taking that mission. (Ex. 3:11) At that time, God promised to be with him and get him with Israel people return to Horeb where he met God personally for worshipping God. (Ex. 3:12) God is with those who are given mission of God. The ultimate goal of God's calling is to restore the worship toward God. Therefore, we should believe that God is with us and lead people to serve and worship God if we want to take the mission of God.