Hosanna! Praise the Lord!
(Mk. 11:1-10)

People are born to live in the world. However, the only one who is Jesus Christ was born to be dead on the cross to redeem our sins. Before the last Passover in his life, he entered the Jerusalem to walk on the road to be sacrificed.

1. Life of obedience

Jesus asked his disciples to bring a colt before entering Jerusalem. (Mk. 11:1-2) When they found the colt tried to take it, the owner asked why they took their donkey. And they answered that Jesus would use it. The owner didn't resist and gave it without resistance.(Mk. 11:6) The owner accepted authority of Jesus and obeyed to Jesus even it was his or her possession for living. Obedience of Abraham led him to be the ancestor of faith but disobedience of Jona led him to face fierce storm. Because Jesus obeyed God till he died, we should live by obeying God.

2. Life of purity and humility
When Jesus entered Jerusalem, Jesus rode the colt which had not carried anyone, meaning that it was innocent and pure. When Jesus who was sinless entered Jerusalem as the Messiah, Jesus wanted to use the pure donkey. Even though we are living in the world full of sins and dirt, God wants to use someone who are pure and holy with strong faith.(Mk. 10:16) Jesus didn't have luxurious parade to enter Jerusalem but rode a humble donkey and this choice teaches us to be humble like Jesus. Jesus lived humbly during his life. To be used as the servant of Jesus as well as to resemble Jesus, we should live purely and humbly before God.
3. Life of praise and thanksgiving

When Jesus entered Jerusalem, many people spread their cloak and followed Jesus, shouting, "Hosanna!" "Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord!"(Mk. 11:8-10) Behind the scene, they had greedy and wrong desired to Jesus. They thought Jesus would be the political messiah to set free them from the Roman Empire and return them the glory at the time of David. When their wrong desire was not satisfied, they shouted to nail Jesus on the cross. Whatever happens, we should not forget the love and sacrifice of Jesus who saved us sins and death and we should give praise and thanksgiving to Jesus.