The Risen Jesus
(Jn 20:11-18)

Jesus has risen from the sins and death. The resurrection of Jesus is historical fact and truth. Those who believe in the risen Jesus will have freedom from frustration and sins as well as blessing of eternity.

1. Human beings in sorrow

Early on the first day of the week, while it was still dark, Mary Magdalene went to the tomb and saw that the stone had been removed from the entrance. So she came running to Simon Peter and the other disciple, the one Jesus loved, and said, "They have taken the Lord out of the tomb, and we don't know where they have put him!" (Jn. 20:2-3) What they saw was linen lying there and burial cloth. However, they didn't think of the resurrection of Jesus from the death. They said they failed to find the body of Jesus. Remember that we overcome the frustration, sadness and despair once we possess the strong faith in Jesus who is the resurrection and the life (Jn 11:25-26).

2. The message of Hope
Jesus appeared Mary who wept in sadness but she didn't realize Jesus. (Jn. 20:14) It was same to the two disciples who went to Emmaus. Even mistaking Jesus as the gardener, Mary asked Jesus about where she could find the body of Jesus when Jesus asked why she was crying and what she was looking for. When Jesus said to her, "Mary", she finally knew that he was Jesus whom she was looking for. When Jesus, who resurrected by braking the power of death, asked about our sorrow and sadness, the voice of Jesus will be our hope.
3. The Calling given to us

Jesus gave the disciples the mission to spread the news on resurrection of Jesus and his ascending to heaven. (Jn. 20:17) When Jesus gave the mission to Mary, Jesus called his disciples as his brothers. That means they became the children of God. Likewise, the reason for the death of Jesus is to allow people who believe in Jesus to become the children of God. Therefore, we become the heirs of the Kingdom of God as children of God after believe in Jesus. We should remember that we can live a life to give glory to God as the witness of the Gospel by remembering the amazing grace of God and giving thanks to the Lord.