The Faith on the Cross
(Gal. 2:20)

The core of Christianity is centered on the cross of Jesus. Through the suffering of Jesus we are freed from the sins and death, thereby regaining the new life and being blessed as the children of God. Therefore, we should be armed with the faith on the cross and give thanks to the grace of the cross.

1. The faith that I die on the cross

Once we believe in Jesus and confess Jesus as our savior, our old person is dead on the cross. (Gal. 2:20a) That means the old one was completely dead on the cross. The old one refers to the one who didn't believe in Jesus and led by temptations and greed so that he or she had committed various sins thereby serving as the servant of sins. (Rom. 6:6) Therefore, the dead one on the cross doesn't show any reaction toward temptation and sins of the world. Regardless of criticisms or blames, the new one whose old ego was dead doesn't insist on the selfish interests. Therefore, we should decide to be dead on the cross every day and should live as a humble and lowered person by the fullness of the Holy Spirit.

2. The faith that the Christ lives in me
Once our old person was dead on the cross, Jesus lives inside us. (Ga. 2:20b) That means we are reborn in the Christ as new creature. (2Co. 5:17) As a new creature in the Christ, we don't live as servants of sins and devils but live as servants of Jesus. We are ruled by Jesus. Namely, in the center of our hearts lies our Lord. Therefore, we should obey Jesus. We should not take away the glory of Jesus. Therefore, we should put Jesus in the center of our heart and enjoy real freedom by obeying Jesus.
3. The faith that I live by faith in the Son of God

Once we become the new creatures in Jesus, we live by the faith in the Son of God. (Gal 2:20c) The life in the body means we live in the world. Even we are in the world, we should live differently from the people who don't know and believe in Jesus because we live by faith. In other words, the principles and the rules of life belong to the faith in Jesus. Whatever happens, we should live by faith. Then, we can give glory to God. (Heb 11:6) Therefore, we should be filled with faith based on the love and sacrifice of Jesus, which were manifested through Jesus and should practice the love and sacrifice of Jesus in our daily lives as the disciples of Jesus.