Jesus who walks along with us
(Lk. 24:13-23)

When Jesus was alive in this world, there were many followers, who expected to get something from Jesus. When Jesus was dead on the cross, they were disappointed and scattered. However, Jesus was with his disciples to give the word of God and fullness of the Holy Spirit.

1. Jesus who is with us

The disciple, Cleopas and his friend were in despair after the death of Jesus. They heard that Jesus had been resurrected but they seemed not to believe the news. The two left Jerusalem to Emmaus and the resurrected Jesus walked with them but they didn't notice and recognize him because they were clouded with distrust. (Lk. 24:13-15) Likewise, Jesus walks with us but we cannot see him because we are spiritually blind. With faith, we should open our spiritual eyes to see Jesus who walks with us.

2. Jesus who gives his words
Jesus asked them what they were discussing together. (Lk. 24:17) They were still unfaithful and didn't realize what happened. (Lk.24:18-24) Jesus rebuked them because of their lacking of faith and ignorance of the word of God. (Lk. 24:25) Then, Jesus explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning himself. (Lk. 24:26-27) We should be full of faith and armed with the word of God after realizing what was said in the Bible. We should depend on Jesus who gives the word of God and leads us to victory.
3. Jesus who gives the fullness of the Holy Spirit

When they were going to the destination, they asked Jesus to be with them. (Lk. 24:28-29) Jesus was with them, giving them bread after giving thanks. Suddenly their eyes were opened and recognized Jesus but Jesus disappeared at that moment.(Lk 24:31) Then, they confessed that their hearts were burning when Jesus explained the Bible. (Lk. 24:32) When the words of God are alive, our hearts are burning. It is the working of God. We should aspire the fullness of the word of God and the Holy Spirit, which drives us to devotion to spreading gospel as well as loving Jesus during the rest of our life.