Grace that Jesus Christ gives us
(Jn. 20:19-23)

We live in the grace of God by believing in Jesus and being saved. We are the happiest people and the most blessed people so we should realize the grace of God, giving thanks to the Lord. Jesus endowed four graces to his disciples after having resurrected from death.

1. Grace of Peace

Jesus appeared to his disciples to proclaim peace when they were scared of Jews and hid themselves from them. (Jn. 20:19) Peace from Jesus is the eternal peace not being able to be compared to things in the world and cannot be taken by anything in the world. (Jn. 14:27) Also, the peace brings real peace to us and drives away fear, anxiety and worries.

2. Grace of sending

After giving peace, Jesus gave them holy mission. (Jn. 20:21) Jesus sent them to the world where people are filled with sorrow, agony, frustrations and troubles for them to be the helpers by spreading gospel. Likewise, Jesus sends us to help unprivileged neighbors and solve a lot of problems with power and love of Jesus Christ.

3. Grace of the Holy Spirit

After giving them holy mission, Jesus breathed out for them to receive the Holy Spirit. (Jn. 20:22). At the genesis when God created man, God gave out his breath. Likewise, Jesus disciples who have to go out to the world to change the world should receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Servants of God filled with the Holy Spirit can live as powerful Christians by resembling Jesus.

4. Grace of forgiveness

Jesus taught forgiveness to his disciples. (Jn. 20:23) Forgiveness is the crystal of love and perfection of resurrection. We are all renewed and reborn through the unconditional love and grace of God in Jesus Christ. We gain victory through forgiveness and experience of amazing miracles, blessings and change of life unlike people in the world.

In the world our prayer will be to give us this land for peace, help us complete the mission and live as a witness of Jesus with fullness of the Holy Spirit.