A Happy Person
(Deut. 33:26-29)

Israel people were chosen by God and lived in the grace of God. They were free from the Egyptian oppression and arrived at Canaan where honey and milk overflew thanks to the grace of God. Likewise, we should be led by the grace of God to be the happiest people.

1. Grace of Help

God is always protecting his chosen people. (Deut. 33:26) God allowed grace of love to Israel people. When they ran out of Egypt, they faced the Red sea in front of them and were chased by Egyptian soldiers behind them. God split the sea and made it dry for them to pass. (Ex. 14:21) When they were attacked by the Philistines after settlement in Canaan, God protected them. When God helps us, nothing is impossible. Everything goes well in God. Therefore, we should live with the help of God to experience the happiness coming from the Lord.

2. Grace of protection
God protects his chosen people all the times. (Deut. 33:27) God became the shelter of Israel and protected them. When they were in Egypt, God protected them from being executed because of Egyptian policy. After being released, they were protected and led by the fire and the cloud columns. God allowed them to eat in the barren desert and provided them with everything they needed. Once God protects us, we can get the real peace and rest even we walk in the valley of death or are exposed various dangers. (Ps. 23:4) Therefore, we should remember that God will be our shelter, so we can truly enjoy happiness under his protection.
3. Grace of abundance and victory

God always gives abundant grace and happiness to his chosen people and allow victory against enemies. (Deut. 33:28-29) God led Israel people to Canaan, the land of honey and milk, and enabled them to from a strong nation. When they were attacked, God became their shield and sword for them to gain victory. Once God is with us, we are blessed in our spirit, health and everything so that we gain victory against our enemies.(1Jn. 5:18)Therefore, those who are blessed and gain victory will be the person who enjoys the happiness from God.