Divine Love, Parental Love
(Eph. 6:1-4)

We exist because of our parents. Therefore, we should give thanks to our parents and express our love both materially and morally. Furthermore, we should love God, giving thanks to God who allowed us to have parents.

1. Divine Love

God is love. (Jn 4:16). God sent Jesus and sacrificed him on the cross to save us because of our sins. (Jn. 3:16) God gave us unconditional and limitless love. We are debtor of God's love. So we should love God with our heart and will. (Mt 22:37) Loving God means we should follow the words of God with our heart. (1 Jn. 5:3) When we obey God with love, our life stands on the firm ground like a house standing on the strong foundation. The families who obey to God by keeping the Word of God will show the glory of God.

2. Love one's parents
Being obedient to parents in God and respecting parents is the first commandment. (Eph. 6:1-2) The love of parents is natural but it's hard to know the sacrifice and devotion of parents as children. So we should obey parents just like we obey God. It will be starting point of loving neighbors. (Mt. 22:39) When David was chased by Saul and was in danger, he exerted his best efforts to take care of his parents. (1Sam 22:3-4) and Jesus asked his disciples to take care of his birth mother, Maria before he was suffered with the cross. (Jn. 19:26-27). The families who don't forget the love of parents will be blessed by God despite of difficult times.
3. Loving children

The most important thing to raise children is to take care of them with the Word of God so that they can become mature Christians at the end. (Eph. 6:4) Children are no longer possessions of parents. God take over them to us for a while. Therefore, we should not raise them with our knowledge and emotions. We should raise them with the power of God as well as the ways of God. Don't make your children anger with your words. We should respect them and show the good example by praying hard and following the Word of God. We should pass on faith to them. We should remove our selfish desire and ambition on our children and ask God about how we raise them according to the will of God. When we take care of our children in the guidance of God, God will bless our children and parents.