The Gift My Father Promised
(Acts. 1:4-8)

Today marks the 57th anniversary of our church. The history of our church has been based on the work of the Holy Spirit. We should remember that the only the Holy Spirit can save us, revive the church, spread the gospel and renew the country and its people. Therefore, we should be filled with the Holy Spirit day by day.

1. What father God promised

Jesus asked his disciples not to leave the Jerusalem and wait what Father promised. (Acts. 1:4) It was Jerusalem that they felt afraid and persecuted but Jesus wanted them to be brave because Jesus overcame the world. Also, they had to be baptized with what Jesus had already told them about the Holy Spirit. (Acts. 1:5) The best gift from God for us it the Holy Spirit (Lk. 11:13) and receiving the Holy Spirit is promised by God. Therefore, we should ask for the Holy Spirit bravely because it is the gift of grace to all people.

2. Faith of waiting for God's timing
Jesus disciples had to wait to receive the fullness of the Holy Spirit. (Acts. 1: 4) The Holy Spirit didn't come to them right after Jesus had ascended. They waited praying hard and waiting for the right time to come. (Acts. 1:14) Waiting for God's timing is really important in our faith as well as our life. Even it was the promise of God, they were praying hard with their best efforts until they received the Holy Spirit. Likewise, we should do what we have to do where we belong, waiting the time of God's answering and blessing. Therefore, live your life fully meaningfully till everything goes well in the right time of God by being patient in the faith.
3. Faith of the fullness of the Holy Spirit

As children of God, disciples of Jesus and the witness of the gospel, we should be filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit. Once the disciples were filled with the Holy Spirit, the Jerusalem church was revived a lot. (Acts. 2:41) Even Peter, who betrayed Jesus for three times and Paul, who persecuted Christians and churches were totally changed to the great witnesses of Jesus after they were filled with the Holy Spirit. (Acts. 1:8) Jesus was working with the Holy Spirit while living in the world. (Acts. 10:38) We need to be filled with the Holy Spirit to overcome the temptation of sins and gain the victory in the world. Therefore, we should be filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit to become faithful servants of God and to live as the faithful witnesses of gospel.