When the Holy Spirit comes on You
(Acts. 1:8)

The church was established when the Holy Spirit came to Jesus' disciples at the upper room 2000 years ago on the day of Pentecost. From then on, The Holy Spirit has worked through the Spirit-filled church and faithful servants of God. Therefore, we should work as sincere servants of Gospel by being filled with the Holy Spirit.

1. The Holy Spirit

Jesus said that the Holy Spirit would be with them forever after his resurrection and ascending (Jn. 14:16) and teach what Jesus had told (Jn. 14:26). Also, Jesus said that the Holy Spirit would advocate Jesus (Jn. 15:26) and show the glory of Jesus (Jn. 16:14). That's why Jesus said it would be beneficial to them when Jesus would leave (Jn.16:17). Therefore, living in the era of the Holy Spirit, we should be filled with the Holy Spirit and it means that we are filled with the spirit of Jesus. When filled with the Holy Spirit, we can resemble Jesus and witness Jesus bravely.

2. The divine power
Jesus said that they would receive the divine power once they would be filled with the Holy Spirit. Divine power means explosive power. When Jesus was baptized by John, Jesus was filled with the divine power. (Lk. 3:21-22) The divine power through the fullness of the Holy Spirit was shown as spreading powerful message, driving out demons and healing the sick during his public life. Also, the disciples filled with the Holy Spirit showed the divine power after being filled with Holy Spirit. Therefore, miraculous works of God will happen through us when we become the powerful Christians through the Holy Spirit.
3. The Witness of the gospel

Jesus asked his disciples to become witness of Him till the end of the world. Witness means to spread what they see and hear. Also, the word refers to martyr. The disciples became the witnesses of Jesus on the day of Pentecost and were devoted to spread the gospel in earnest. (Acts. 2:32) They were not afraid of being persecuted and even becoming martyr. (Acts. 20:24) Therefore, we should become powerful Christians with the help of the Holy Spirit to spread Good News all over the world. When we live as the servants of the Gospel, all nations will be saved as the Good News is spread all over the world.