The church that God is Pleased with
(Acts. 13:1-3)

The purpose of church is to give glory to God and spread the gospel all over the world. The Antioch church was the first church for gentiles and sent missionaries for other gentiles. Although worshipping idols were prevalent in gentiles, the church had been growing through the fullness of the Holy Spirit.

1. The church exalting God alone

The Antioch church had clear goals, which was sincerely serving the Lord. (Acts. 13:2) The church had the living worship service by listening to the message of God, being filled with the Holy Spirit and giving glory to the Lord with their graceful worship service. Church is community to serve God with worship and serve neighbors with love. The reason why we feel hard is not to focus on God, but on humans. Then our focus of faith is shaken and easy to be tempted by the things in the world and defeated by sufferings. Therefore, we should depend on Jesus only and be satisfied with Jesus to give glory to God.

2. The church led by the Holy Spirit

The Antioch church was filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit. The church had fasting. (Acts. 13:2-3) To be led by the Holy Spirit, all church members were united to pray together as one. During prayer, they heard the message of God to send Paul and Banana separately for gentiles. They obeyed and prayed earnestly with fasting and sent them. The revival of church growth lies in the fullness of the Holy Spirit. It is the key to all problems. People used by God were those who were captured by the Holy Spirit. Therefore, we should seek for the fullness of the Holy Spirit to be led by God and obey God to achieve miraculous works of God.

3. The church devoting itself to mission work

The Antioch church obeyed the order of the Holy Spirit to become sending churches. The church made disciples and sent them as missionaries to spread the gospel passionately. As a result, revival and amazing events happened at the church continuously. If we are filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit, we cannot but choice but to spreading gospel. (Acts. 4:31) The world mission is the order of Jesus so that we should willingly take risks to spread the gospel and become the witness of Jesus in the world. (Mt. 28:18-20) The world mission is not just for the missionaries but for us. There is no exception to join the movement to spread the gospel. Therefore, we should join the world mission and enlarge the kingdom of God here in this world.