People who cast a Net
(Lk. 5:1-8)

People without God are hopeless. We are born in the middle of despair and will be dead without hope. We cannot avoid this chain with our own efforts. Only Jesus can save us from all kinds of frustration and solve our life-related problems.

1. Life like an empty boat

Peter was a poor fisherman. Jesus healed his mother-in-law's fever. But he was too busy for his life and he was not interested in Jesus. One night, he didn't catch fish at all and had a morning without fish in his boat. (Lk. 5:1-2) Although we live hard with our best efforts, we live a life like an empty boat without Jesus.

2. Jesus who came to see Peter
Jesus got to the boat of Peter and asked him to put out a little from shore, sitting and teaching the people from the boat. The empty boat without fish became full with the grace of what Jesus had told. The boat became the ship of hope when Jesus was there. When we accept Jesus, our life has a new day of salvation and writes a new chapter of history.
3. Jesus who blesses us through the word

Finishing teaching, Jesus asked Peter to go deep water and cast down the nets for a catch. (Lk. 5:4) Peter, who had lived as a fisherman, knew the best way to catch lot of fish at the swallow water but he was touched and obeyed Jesus. As a result, he experienced miracles with his boat full of fish. (Lk. 5:6-7) Obeying Jesus brings about miracle in our lives.

4. Peter who repents before Jesus

People witnessed the miracles caused by Jesus and had no choice but to acknowledge Jesus as the son of God. He confessed that he was a sinner and asked Jesus to leave him.(Lk. 5:8) However, Jesus gave him a mission as a missionary of the gospel. Then, Peter followed Jesus behind his current life. (Lk. 5:10-11) Once we realize that we are sinners, we will be given the mission coming from Jesus.

Do you live your life for the holy mission by realizing the mission designated by Jesus after you believed in Jesus? By strong faith and sincere repentance, we should be faithful servants of God.