Because He Loves Me
(Ps. 91:14-16)

The core of Christianity lies in love. The completion of the cross is to love God and neighbors. Without love, we cannot explain faith and Christianity. Today, we will see three aspects of loving God.

1. Putting God first

God delivers those who depend on God and trust God from despair (Ps. 91:14) Namely, God saves us from wicked criticism, accusation and plot. The politicians who blamed Daniel were thrown to the den of lion and Harman plotting the termination of Israel people were killed. Also, God protects us from diseases. (Ps. 91:3b) Furthermore, God loves us first and allowed us to know God and form close relationship with God. Therefore, we should love God only, seeking the righteousness and the kingdom of God. We should put God first among everything.

2. Asking God with prayer and petition
God will answer for those who pray hard with petition. (Ps. 91:15a) Sometimes, we cannot pray because of our weakness and frustration. However, God listens to us when we pray depending on the blood of Jesus. We should not give up praying easily. Elijah prayed seven times at the Carmel mountain and then rain came to end drought which had been for 3 years and 6 months. (James 5:17-18) Therefore, we should have absolute faith in God and pray hard.
3. Walking with God

God is forever with his chosen people. (Ps. 91:15b) God will never be away till the end of the world. (Mt. 28:20) Whatever happens, everything will go well when God is with us. Enoch pleased God with being accompanied by God during his life. (Gen 5:23-24) Likewise, we should please God with our faith and obey God to achieve God's plan and live righteously and honestly before God. Those who walk with God are blessed to have longevity. (Ps. 91:16) Therefore, we should give thanks to God all the times and live with God.