The blessing of suffering
(Acts. 8:4-8)

While living in the world, we are facing various sufferings unexpected. To people in the world, sufferings mean frustration, while those sufferings will be opportunities to us because we believe Jesus who got glory after his sufferings. So we can be joyful when difficulties come to us and we will overcome them so that we can give glory to God.

1. Sufferings that the believers go through

After the martyrdom of Stephen, the Jewish religious leaders started to persecute the Jerusalem church. (Acts. 8:1) When the gospel spread rapidly and the church grew prosperously, the Jewish religious leaders were afraid and killed Stephen and tried to terminate the church. It was great shocks to Christians.(Acts. 8:2) However, there was no martyrdom without fruits and there were no sufferings without meanings. Paul who led to kill Stephen became one of great disciples and the gospel was spread by the scattered Christians in place after place.

2. The gospel delivered to Samaria
Christians who belonged to the Jerusalem church had to be scattered to avoid persecution and thought the meaning of sufferings. When sufferings come, people in the world are frustrated and find out the causes for blame. On the contrary, Christians should give thanks and find the will of God. Through the Word of God and prayer, we should look back on our lives to see if we have done something wrong and repent the sins to restore the joy of salvation, thanksgiving and mission. (Rev. 2:5) The believers at the Jerusalem church realized that they had been complacent with Jerusalem church growing. (Acts. 1:8) Therefore, they spread the gospel wherever they went to. Among them, Philip spread the gospel to Samaria and saw the miraculous signs he did.(Acts. 8:4-6)
3. The joy given by the Lord

When Philip spread the gospel, evil spirits came out of many, and many paralytics and cripples were healed.(Acts.8:7) Samaritan people were overjoyed at freedom given by God.(Acts.8:8) God achieved amazing events by anointing Jesus with the Holy Spirit. Likewise, God anoints us with the Holy Spirit to achieve His will.(Acts. 10:38) Once we are filled with the Holy Spirit and spread the gospel bravely, amazing signs will be accompanied. (Mk. 16:17-18) Also, we can become the tools of healing, recovery and salvation to give glory to God when we are dedicated to the life as the witness of Jesus.