Jesus, the Light
(Jn. 9:5-7)

No one is free from sins in the world. People have one or two weakness at least and wounded scars. Also there are a lot of difficulties that people cannot deal with. However, we can overcome any troubles and frustrations in Jesus.

1. Human beings under the absolute despair

Jesus saw a man who was blind from his birth while he was walking along the way. The blind man refers to humans who are away from God. After Adam's committing sins, we are spiritually blind and cannot deal with the outcome of sins. (Rom. 5:12) Jesus asked disciples whose sins made the man blind. (Jn. 9:2) However, Jesus focused on what he had to do for the kingdom of God instead of focusing on judging the man's sins. (Jn. 9:3) Jesus was sent to the world to give us salvation, healing and forgiveness.

2. Jesus Christ who is the absolute hope
Jesus said that he was the light of the world. Jesus makes our eyes spiritually open because he has come as the light of salvation, life, and healing. So Jesus is our only hope. When we meet Jesus, our destiny will be changed and our identity will turn from darkness into light. (Eph. 5:8) Jesus spat on the ground, and made clay of the spittle, and he anointed the eyes of the blind man with the clay and asked him to wash in the pool of Siloam. (Jn. 9:6-7) Useless dirt could be used to heal the man when Jesus used it. Likewise, when Jesus holds us, we will be valuable. With the precious blood of Jesus, we can be washed. Once we obey God we can experience of miracle of God.
3. Jesus Christ who is the problem-solver

Once we meet Jesus, all our problems will be solved. (Jn. 9:10-11) Jesus healed the blind, lepers and crippled and even made dead people such as Nazarus, a daughter of Jairus and son of the widow alive. (Mt. 4:23-24) Also, Jesus fed the hungry people with five loaves of bread and two fish. (Mk. 6:41-44) Jesus is still working for us and is with us. Therefore, keeping our faith strong is important in Jesus. We should pray with the absolutely affirmative faith and we should have the good fight of the faith in our life so that we can experience amazing miracle of salvation.