Know that I am God
(Ps. 46:10-11)

Living our lives, we meet difficult moments that we cannot deal with. Then, people in the world try to find someone to help them, depend on superstitions, or worship idols. However, blessed children of God only seek for the help of God, depending on God.

1. Faith that entrust God with everything

When we are in extremely difficult moments, God asks us to see how God works by being still, not being hurried to find solutions with humanly efforts. (Ps. 46:10a) The Israel people who had just left out of Egypt met the Red Sea, what they did was to see God's salvation. (Ex. 14:13-14) Being still doesn't mean we should stop doing spiritual efforts. Jehoshaphat, the King of Southern Judah, prayed hard with fasting with all of his people when the gentile soldiers attacked them and God allowed them to win the battle. By putting down humanly and man-made efforts, we can experience God's amazing salvation. (Ps. 37:5)

2. Faith that brings glory to God
God wants to be glorified through his chosen people. (Ps. 46:10b) Especially, God wants us to get solutions of life and give glory to God with the help of God. The Israel people gave glory and praise to God when they crossed the Red Sea with the omnipotent help of God. (Ex. 15:1-2) Furthermore, when we have hardships, we should give thanks first and praise the Lord who will give us the blessings after we get through and overcome our difficulties. Thanksgiving and praise bring amazing victory into our lives so that it will be our spiritual weapons (2 Chr.20:18-19) and we are called to give thanksgiving and praise to God. (1Cor. 6:20)
3. God, our refuge

When we have adversities, God is with us forever and becomes our shelter. People, material things and authorities cannot become our shelter because only God can save us. (Ps. 27:3) People trying to depend on other people, material things and powers, not entrusting their lives entirely to God, will not avoid worries, anxiety and agony. On the contrary, people who depend on God, their refuge, will keep their hearts calm and peaceful in the middle of frustrating and depressing situation of the world. (Ps. 27:3) Filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit, we can experience God who is becoming our refuge as well as our shelter, and be used as the channel to spread God's blessing and miracle.