My Identity
(1Chr. 4:9-10)

When we have a clear sense of identity, we can leave a happy life. Identity is a reason for why we live. Jabez as one of the descendants of Judah was blessed man and his life gives us a lesson of what identity we should have in our life.

1. One who is precious

Jabez was regarded as more precious than his other brothers because his mother gave birth to him in pain. We are like Jabez because Jesus gave birth to us in pain. Jesus came to us abandoning the highest throne in heaven and came to us as a human and died on the cross. (Phil. 2:6-8) Therefore, we should look at ourselves through Jesus instead of seeing at ourselves through our circumstances. We are precious and valuable because we are saved and belong to God. We are precious because of living with Jesus who remains in our heart.

2. One who is blessed
Jabez was blessed amazingly. (1Chr. 4:10a) We are also blessed. God wants to give his blessings for those who are chosen by God. When God called Abraham, God gave him blessing. (Gen. 12:2-3) God gave blessings to Abraham and made him a model as the one who was blessed by God. When we believe in Jesus, we are given the same blessing of God. The prayers of Jabez were achieved. Therefore, we are blessed enough to give good impact for others and we can be blessed with the help of Jesus. We are blessed because we are saved out of adversities so that we are in peaceful.
3. One who is recognized by God

God answered the prayer of Jabez.(1Chr. 4:10b) God listens to our prayers and give us his answers. The fact that God answered prayers of Jabez means God acknowledged Jabez. We should be recognized by God as children of God. We should throw away the lifestyle pursuing for being recognized or praised by people and should not be arrogant to lift ourselves. (2Co. 10:18) When we live by the Word of God, we are recognized by God. Children of God should be peaceful. (Matt. 5:9) We should make divided hearts as united ones, turning conflicts and tensions into reconciliation and forgiveness. By doing so, we can be recognized by God.