Why do you persecute me?
(Acts. 9:3-9)

The biggest blessing and miracle for our life is to believe and become the children of God. We could not but die in the sins and frustrations, but through Jesus, we are entitled to enter heaven while living in the blessing and grace of God. Therefore, we who experience the miracle and the blessing should do our best efforts for the glory of God.

1. We who persecute Jesus

Saul, who thought he believed in God, persecuted the Christians and he thought toppling church was the will of God. (Acts. 9:1-2) Saul had self-centered worldview, in which he thought his decision and judgment was entirely right. Many people tend to have Saul-like attitude even after believing in Jesus. Indulging in self-centered righteousness, they judge others and criticize churches. While Saul persecuted church, Jesus appeared to ask him why he persecuted Jesus. (Acts. 9:4) God is the only one who can judge (1 Cor. 4:5) and church is the body of Jesus. (Eph. 1:23)

2. Jesus who came to us
As Saul was going to Damascus to persecute many Christians and church, Jesus came to him. (Acts 9:2-5) Jesus came to him in strong light and he knelt down. The light of life, Jesus, came to us as light. (John. 1:4) However, people under the control of darkness of sins and death didn't believe in Jesus who came to them as life and persecuted Jesus. (John.1:5) Likewise, we were the same who persecuted Jesus when we didn't know Jesus. However, Jesus came to us at that moment that we were wandering the world and persecuting Jesus. So we should repent our sins everyday and live as the children of light by doing good things, becoming righteous and being honest.
3. We who live for Jesus

Saul who became blind was led by other person and repented his sins, praying for three days with fasting. (Acts. 9:8-9) At that moment, Jesus sent Anaias to Saul after telling him the plan of God toward Saul. And Saul achieved the great mission to spread the gospel of Jesus at the end of the world. To complete the mission, Saul devoted his life to his mission. (Acts. 20:24) Now, we should live as the devoted missioners for the gospel and Jesus by being filled with the Holy Spirit. (Acts.9:17-19) Only when we are filled with the fullness of the Holy Spirit, we will see the world with the vision of dedicators and become the real devoted people of God to offer our life for the gospel and church.