Faith that God is pleased with
(Rom 4:17-22)

There are so many people in the world but God tries to find only faithful people among them. God is pleased with faithful people and work with them. Abraham was recognized by God as a faithful man and shows us a good example as the greatly faithful person.

1. God who gives life to the dead
Abraham believed in God --the God who gives life to the dead and calls things that are not as though they were.(Rom. 4:17) So he offered his own son as burnt offering, believing that God would make his son alive. (Heb. 11:19) Once we believe in God who is the master of the life and universe as the Creator, we could be used for the work of God creating the new day full of love and joy to make people alive.

2. Faith believing in hope against all hope
The faith of Abraham was going beyond the limit of human knowledge. (Rom. 4:18) When hope seemed to disappear, he didn't give up his faith. He believed the promise of God which allowed him to have so many offspring through his own son and that his son, Isaac would be saved. Even when we are put in the extremely depressing moments, we should pray earnestly with faith to turn the impossible into the possible.

3. Not weakening in faith
The reason why the faith of Abraham was considered great is because his faith was not weaken because of reality which showed that Abraham and Sarah couldn't have a baby. (Rom. 4:19) People tend to be easily frustrated by scarce opportunities of achieving their goals. If we are truly faithful people of God, we should have unshaken faith even if people say that reality is not positive. As a result, we can see our vision achieved by God.

4. Believing that God has power to do what he has promised
The faith of Abraham got stronger when it was hit by reality and then, he gave glory to God who would achieve what he had promised. (Rom. 4:20-21) Seeing this great faith, God regarded him as a righteous person. (Rom. 4:22) When we believe in God who collapses the Jericho in our reality, meaning impossible things of our lives, we will be acknowledged by God as a faithful soldier.

Let us live as the most faithful servant of God. With faith getting much stronger in front of adversities and difficulties to give glory to God, we will be the heroes of miracles.